Content Marketing on a Budget: Maximizing Results with Limited Resources

According to a recent research by Semrush, 27% of the survey respondents had a monthly budget of less than $1000 for their content marketing. It is clear that companies are still reluctant to spend huge sums of money on it.

In content marketing, budget plays a significant role. Companies are only willing to spend money if they see valuable returns that provide a step in the right direction for their companies. 

If you’re in the ‘max results on a mini budget’ club, know you’re not alone. This blog will tell you how to make your content stand out from the crowd. So, let us see how you can turn a limited budget into limitless success with our easy tips and tricks that we follow for our clients with big dreams and pocket-sized budgets.

Top Tips For Content Marketing On A Budget:

Content marketing does not have to be as expensive as you might think. With some tricks that we follow as a content marketing agency in Hyderabad for our clients, you can also launch excelling campaigns:

1.Identify The Content That Works For You

Recently, there have been various forms of content marketing like blog posts, guest posts, infographics, podcasts, social media posts, live-streaming, E-books, physical books, and images.

Rather than jumping on and trying all the forms of content to grow your online presence, it is best to assess what works best for you and focus on that.

To start this process, first, compare the costs of each content marketing type and see what is happening in your industry. Carefully look into their social media accounts, blog posts, and other sources of information. This will help you find out indicators like comments, likes, views, shares, etc.

This will give you an idea as to what might work for you. Then, make your mark in that particular content type. Don’t stick to more than three types of content, such as blogs, emails, infographics, or video content, that are most cost-effective yet offer higher returns. See whatever works for you out of those, and focus on that for the initial few months to 2 years.

2.Choose Quality Over Quantity

We have noticed that our clients give examples of their counterparts and ask questions like, should we also publish our blogs five times a week? We advise that if you’re low on budget, focusing on quality over content quantity is better. 

If the content generated is subpar, there is no point in publishing five blogs or 30 social media posts on your websites and social media accounts, as users will reject information that they can get anywhere else as easily.

Take the example of Backlinko. While the company has been around for nearly 11 years now, it has always focussed on quality over quantity. They provide well-researched blogs like how to do a backlink audit in 13 easy steps for their customer base.

Although it is not due to lack of money that they publish fewer blogs, it still shows how the success of a company is dependent on quality over quantity.

3.Recycle Your Content

As a content writing agency, the best advice we can give you if you’re low on budget is to repurpose your content that has delivered maximum results for you. This way, you do not have to write new content. Rather, you can use your old content and update it into something new.

Take the example of one of our clients, Gnathos Dental Clinic. We recently wrote a blog for them on “Discover the Magic of Smile Designing.” We converted one of the content from here into a social media post design. Here is the screenshot of the blog for the same:

While many think re-promoting the content is not as useful, it is untrue. Many people might have yet to see the content, and you can provide them with a chance to engage both on your blogs and social media through this. Additionally, it is easier to scale content this way instead of building everything up from scratch.

4.Allow Guest Posts On Your Website

Reach out and collaborate with bloggers and contributors in your niche. With many people looking to promote their content on different pages, they can pay you money if you post their content as guest posts. Even if they don’t pay you, you get free content for your website. All-in-all, it is a bonus for you!

Moreover, people might browse your site while reading the guest posts, providing you an advantage in targeting potential customers. Design your website in a way that it has a separate section for guest blogs, wherein you highlight the guidelines so that contributors can directly go to the section and find all necessary information.

For example, if you go to the website of Business Insider, they have a dedicated section called Write For Us, where they provide all the information about the guest posts they are willing to accept.

Always be mindful of the quality of content you accept, as poorly written and irrelevant posts can bring about just as much damage as profits from well-researched posts.

5.Craft User-Generated Content

By utilizing social media, you can promote your content for free. Want to know how? Encourage your customers to show your products and services on social media using posts and stories and leave positive reviews. 

Then, you can repost these stories and posts on your profile to advertise your products. This will save you from creating new content again, as you can use the already generated content from your users.

To give you an example of one of our clients, we made an Instagram carousel for a gifting company. However, we used limited content and added a customer review as one slide along with pictures of the hamper, ensuring more authenticity of the content. Here is a screenshot for your reference:

Image Caption: Seeing people using your products or services in reality makes other potential customers more willing to try your brand. This will build your online community, enhance your reputation, and boost sales at almost zero investments.

Content marketing is all about telling a compelling story 

This quote shows us that content marketing is not just about sharing information, but it is more than that. It is also about creating a captivating story for the consumers and making lifelong connections. 

At Degefy, we truly believe in the power of content and know that even with a shoestring budget, companies can achieve the results they are looking for. We provide our clients with content for blogs, social media, websites, and more that can truly create an impact and turn you into profitable ventures. 

To understand more about our content writing services, contact our experts and let us create a unique strategy for your business needs.

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