How can businesses use content marketing to build brand awareness and engage with their target audience?

Content marketing

With consumers’ attention span fleeting and similar products and services being offered by multiple brands, do you wonder how you can capture the hearts and minds of your target audience?

Content marketing is your answer! 

In simple terms, content marketing is building useful content like blogs, videos, social media posts, newsletters, and emails to reach out to both current and potential customers. When executed skillfully, you can break through the noise in your industry to build meaningful customer relations and increase engagement.

Take the example of a leading business coach Rajiv Talreja. With his keen understanding of his target audience and effective content marketing strategy, he delivers exceptional content by explaining intricate concepts in a relatable manner. It can be validated by the reach his posts get online and his 218k followers on Instagram.

The statistics prove why it is a go-to tactic for all content marketing agencies

Want to do the same for your business but do not know how to get started? Then, this blog is the right starting point on how to use content marketing to build brand awareness and engage with your customers.

The Roadmap For Businesses To Use Content Marketing

With a well-crafted content marketing roadmap, businesses can increase online visibility, boost loyalty, improve authority, and generate leads to turn their efforts into results. Here are some expert tips from Degefy on leveraging content marketing to deliver authentic content at each stage of your sales pitch-from awareness to final purchase:

1.Reach Your Target Audience With Multiple Distribution Channels

One of the biggest mistakes companies can make is relying on one source to maximize audience reach. With the audience using different social media accounts and sources to collect information, it is crucial to distribute your content across all channels. 

Types of Content Marketing Format You Should Know

With the help of this, businesses can target multiple audience segments and even direct them from one source to another with their catchy CTAs.

At Degefy, we follow the best practices and target all high-potential social media channels like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook for our clients apart from their company website, blogs, emails, and newsletters.

For one of our clients in the technology industry, we have decoded complex concepts in simplified language, researched the latest trends in the industry, and presented them across all leading content marketing examples, like company blogs, guest blogs, Instagram posts, and LinkedIn posts. 

We have been consistent in that all our content has relevant CTAs to drive the audience from one source to another to build brand awareness and generate leads for our clients, making them rank for more than 10k keywords. 

Our Technology Client’s Keyword Ranking

2.Establish Your Brand Identity With The USP

If you want to be distinguished from the crowd, you need to bring something special to the table. Generally, brands provide a cost-effective way to solve problems, and this is what we call the unique selling proposition (USP) of your business. It highlights the distinct benefit your brand offers and helps you stay ahead of your competitors by communicating value to your customers.

For example, the USP of Degefy is its vast range of writers. With subject matter expert writers from different fields like law, finance, technology, economics, commerce, and medicine, we can create high-quality content that provides deep research into the respective subject. 

As a result, we are able to meet client requirements which can be validated with our 5-star Google Reviews.

Glowing Reviews From Our Clients

3.Focus On Posting Content on External Websites

Being a newbie in the business, it is often difficult to push your content to the top of Google Search results because your domain lacks authority. It happens because of the age of your domain, how much content is optimized on your site, and backlink history.

However, this should never be the roadblock to your success. You can use other websites to post your content and boost your engagement. Here is how our process works:

Step 1: We create a list of industry-related websites and then reach out to the publisher to allow us to contribute to their sites periodically.

Step 2: Once we get a green signal, we write content on the topics relevant to the user and share it with the users. 

We often provide educational content rather than self-promotional content to attract more eyes.

Take the example of our technology client again. We follow the same steps for them and write unique and informative content for the audience that will hold relevance on topics such as “Codeless testing tool checklist – Factors to consider when buying“, “Cloud Testing“, and “Why use real device testing for mobile and web apps”.

4.Make Data The Center Of Your Content Strategy

A Meme On Content Marketing

When you publish your content online, you must work on the blend of marketing and analytics to know your content is working.

This can be achieved by various content analysis tools that help you track and improve the performance of your content. Most of these tools are directed towards Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and help you rank in Google.

Here are some content analysis tools that our digital marketing experts use to ensure that our client’s content ranks among the top:

  • Google Analytics: It is one of the most powerful and customizable tools that allow us to track performance metrics, traffic sources, engagement metrics, and conversions.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is a tool most content writing agencies swear by. It helps us to research competitors and keywords, conduct backlink audits, and identify content gaps.
  • Google Search Console: This analytical tool offers unique features like impressions, click-through rates, and positioning. It also helps to identify site speed and performance bottlenecks in the websites.

5.Always Remember To Follow Up

Once your content is out there for the audience to witness, the ball is in their court to make the judgment. But what if the people haven’t seen your content yet? 

The Internet is a vast sea of information with constant distractions where your brand can fade away as quickly as it comes to light. It is why follow-ups with your customers are important to solidify the connection between your brand and audience.

This includes following up with customers via email, retargeting ads, responding to comments and messages on social media, catching up with existing customers occasionally, and initiating groundbreaking conversations on relevant topics.

At Degefy, our social media manager proactively responds to messages and customer queries so that a potential lead turns into a paying customer for all our clients. 

Parting Thoughts

If you want to set up a brand narrative, it is important to have a set content strategy. By reaching out to customers, leveraging data insights, and working on feedback, you can seize the opportunity and leave a long-lasting impact on your customers.

At Degefy, we strategize content marketing for you by creating authentic content that creates user interest by conducting thorough research and keeping up with evolving industry trends. With our wide range of services from content writing, SEO, performance marketing, social media, and more, you can stay at the top-of-mind of your customers.

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