What are the best practices for creating effective digital marketing content?

Digital Marketing Content: In a digital world with information overload and low attention span, attracting and holding your audience’s attention has become the need of the hour. And what better way than content marketing to grab your audience’s eyeballs, keep them interested, and drive your site’s organic traffic?

Inarguably, a content marketing strategy, when executed well with the help of an experienced content writing agency, is an excellent way to promote your brand and make your business stand out.

Creating content has taken on different forms in recent years. Let us look at some examples:

  • Blogs
  • Linkedin posts
  • Social media posts
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Ad copies
  • Press release articles
  • Quora answers
  • Website content
  • Product descriptions
  • Ebooks
  • Videos

No matter whatever the content type, the goal remains the same; to provide information that resonates with your target audience through the right platform, in the right format and at the right time.

When it comes to developing a powerful content strategy, there is a lot to think about. And with the help of some key best practices, you can achieve your content strategy success. Aided by these guidelines, you can enhance your content’s impact and achieve your desired goals.

Best Practices For Effective Content Marketing

By implementing these practices, your content will breathe new life into your brand online, setting you miles apart from your industry competitors.

1.Boost your Google rankings with these tips

Tip 1:  When writing any content, ensure it is reader-friendly and simple, using non-technical, everyday words and avoiding jargon. Provide well-researched factual information with external links, letting users verify its reliability. One great idea is to post content that you yourself would like to read. Such content is more likely to keep readers engaged for a longer period. Additionally, always write in a personal tone to capture your reader’s attention. 

Tip 2: Use infographics in the form of images and videos to make your content aesthetically pleasing and help readers retain your information. Videos and high-resolution images help you share information in a more engaging way with your potential customers. Moreover, they enable you to tell a story in a compelling way that words alone cannot accomplish. Infographics let you explain complex concepts simply so that even a layman can understand them.

Image: An Infographic designed for Degefy Instagram Account

Tip 3: Always use active voice since it is more direct and better for clarity. Addressing your users or readers as “you” instead of “the customer” is better since personal pronouns are more clear and sound more human.

2.Create a compelling Linkedin or speaker profile that leaves an impact

Knowing how to write an effective profile of your customer should also be a crucial part of your marketing plan. An impactful profile is sure to catch your audience’s attention.  

We share some strategies that work excellently for us when we create speaker profiles for our clients.

  • At Degefy, we first interview clients to understand their business and know things like how they entered into their profession or what their short and long-term goals are. We ask about special achievements, personality traits, expertise in the profession, work experience, and so on that we can mention in their profile.
  • Based on this information, we weave the profile in a story-telling format, mentioning the client’s struggles in their professional life and how they overcame them. We guarantee that such a profile will touch your audience’s emotional chord and resonate with them.

Two tips on how you can make an effective speaker profile:

Tip 1: With years of writing experience, we found that many of our clients liked their profile when we started with some impressive opening lines that can even be the famous quote of a successful entrepreneur. You can write how the quote inspired the speaker during his career journey.

Image: Display of our esteemed client’s profile 

Tip 2: Always write the profile in the first person since it gives a personalized touch to the profile and goes well with the audience. Many writers do this in 3rd person format, and the essence is lost while writing. Writing in 3rd person works when the profile introduces a person and is not for reading purposes.

Here is an impressive Linkedin profile of Arvind Murwaha, a business coach for whom we wrote in the first person for a client that attracted many responses from potential clients.

Image: Snippet from the LinkedIn Profile of Arvind Murwaha

3. Mastering the art of creating engaging social media content 

Writing social media content is no easy task since you must adhere to strict character limits and work under tight deadlines. You need to be creative, witty and in touch with the latest trends to make your content stand out. Despite its challenges, social media content is rewarding and can create a buzz around your brand, inspire conversations, and influence sales.

Here are some practices that have helped us attract traffic and get conversions:

  • We first prepare a calendar for our client based on the AIDA model focusing on Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. The topics for the month are woven around these four concepts so that they can attract attention, generate interest, and create conviction. Content that is based on AIDA will work like magic to generate the audience’s interest.
  • Along with informative posts, we ensure to add humorous content or content with trending music to attract the viewer’s attention and get more likes and followers.
  • Frequently, we use funny memes or eye-catching images bearing catchy one-liners with wordplay that draw the audience’s attention.
  • Instead of being generalized, the content should focus on the USP of the products or services, highlighting what differentiates them from other competitors. 

Look at this example of our restaurant client, where we mention their special offers everywhere:

Image: Beyond Dosa, a Canada-based restaurant’s offer on Canada Day

Summing Up

These best practices should help you create content that will make your target audience interact with you, take action, or simply spend time thinking about what they just read. 

However, here is a friendly word of advice. It would be prudent to leave your content marketing in the hands of a professional content writing agency with a proven track record of delivering amazing results for its clients. Since your content directly reflects your business, it is better not to take chances and leave it to a seasoned agency that knows its job well.

When you entrust your content to the best content marketing agency, their expert writers will create that emotional connection with your audience with engaging content that will help your website make its way to the top of Google’s search results. 

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