Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2024

In the world of digital marketing, strategies keep changing, and before you realize it, a new digital marketing trend is already taking place. With fresh ideas emerging every day, it is vital to keep in touch with the latest developments and adapt your strategies to the popular trends.

And if you are not in tune with the latest digital marketing trends, you may lose out on potential customers and conversions. The best way to keep up with the current trends and be ahead of the competition is to partner with the best digital marketing agency with a dynamic team that adapts its strategies quickly to match the changing trends. Digital marketing teams are usually aware of changing trends much faster than others.

The first step to take to prepare for upcoming changes is to understand the potential digital marketing trends expected in the coming weeks and months. Through this blog, we invite you on a ride into the future, where you can explore the top digital marketing trends for 2024 and beyond. These insights will help you understand these trends, be well-prepared, and align your marketing strategies to leverage their potential fully.

6 Top Digital Marketing Trends to Expect in 2024

These are the trends anticipated to rule the digital marketing world this year:

1. The rise of Chatbot use

Businesses have been leveraging chatbots for marketing and advertising for quite some time. It will not be surprising if this trend is likely to increase in the coming years.

Chatbots make you more accessible to users and responsive to their concerns. In addition, they even let you collect information about customers and their preferences. They make the customer experience more seamless and even reduce the purchase cycle.

A fine example is that of Tawk, a live chat app that helps businesses communicate with website visitors and clients for customer support. The use of automated DMs through chatbots helps to respond quickly to people who message on social media platforms like Instagram. Automated DMs save the time and resources of the customer support team since you do not have to manually reply to each message. It helps you provide customer service 24/7, improving your response rates and customer experience. 

Leveraging chatbots for enhanced customer experience:

  • For customer service: Banks can use bots to handle customer queries and guide them through complex banking procedures.
  • For FAQs: Programming a bot with a list of question options and their corresponding answers can be an interactive way to offer information to your audience.
  • To qualify leads: Automate your lead qualification processes by deploying chatbots for the same. 

We are employing this strategy for our esteemed client, who deals in gifting hampers, wherein we send automated DMs whenever a viewer comments on the post. This helps in automating a part of the sales process, saving time and energy for the team

The rise of Chatbot use

Image: Displays how we employ chatbots to promptly reply to our viewers’ comment

2. Personalized Marketing

It is another digital marketing trend you need to watch out for in 2024. Your marketing’s success hinges a lot on how well you know your audience. By leveraging cutting-edge business intelligence tools, you can create accurate buyer personas and derive insights related to customer preferences and behavior patterns.

Using these insights, you can develop personalized campaigns and communications. Popular brand Coca-Cola’s ‘Share a Coke’ campaign is an excellent example of this. Common first names were printed on Coke bottles, attracting millennials in large numbers and boosting the conversion rate and sales. Watch this video to see how Coke effectively employed personalized marketing in the “Share a Coke’ campaign.

Collaborate with the best content marketing agency in Hyderabad to effectively use targeted marketing for your business.

Tips for personalized marketing: 

  • Send emails to customers on their birthdays or send personalized gifts to show your gratitude to them
  • Determine your customers’ buying habits and send them product recommendations
  • Communicating on private messaging apps like WhatsApp or Facebook is an effective strategy

3. Cookieless marketing

Concerns about the privacy of personal data usage by companies have led to new regulations that prevent companies from using third-party cookies to collect user behavior for serving targeted ads. In such a cookieless scenario, companies will have to redefine their strategies.

Some tactics businesses can adopt:

  • Use first-party data obtained directly from customers through email addresses, website activity, or purchase history
  • Supplement the loss of third-party cookies by using tracking technologies like Google Marketing Platform (GMP) or Facebook Conversion API
  • Focus their attention on providing a good user experience with personnel recommendations or personalized messaging

4. Social media stories

Stories have become a popular and effective way to share information with followers. This trend, started by Snapchat but popularized by Instagram, is expected to surpass the popularity of feed-based posts. With billions of users across social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, you have plenty of potential customers to consume your stories.

The popularity of stories has led even platforms like LinkedIn to join the bandwagon by implementing this type of content. Undoubtedly, posting stories with the help of the best digital marketing agency will be the best way for you to effectively share your message and target your audience.

Story highlights are an effective way to promote your businesses. In contrast to regular stories that disappear after 24 hours, story highlights can live on your Instagram profile forever, enabling you to highlight your brand’s important content or resources. Similarly, stories posted on WhatsApp are powerful lead generators that many brands popularly employ.

Social media stories

Image: Shows how we effectively use story highlights to make our best stories accessible to users anytime they want to view

Pros of using stories:

  • As they are short-lived, stories create a sense of urgency in the followers’ minds to engage with them at the moment
  • You can personalize your stories to make them more authentic and showcase your brand in a more human way
  • Engagement rates are greater for stories as they are more interactive with polls, questions, and quizzes

5. Influencer marketing

This trend has been steadily gaining momentum in recent years and is poised to grow even further. As we venture into 2024, we will see more businesses teaming up with popular influencers who are experts at creating engaging content. Such a collaboration will allow businesses to benefit from the influencer’s expertise and reach a wider audience. Experts say that the audience is seen to be more receptive to influencer-generated content than traditional ones.

Influencers can provide digital authority and social proof in online marketing. An effective strategy that you can leverage is to ask them to link back to your website, thereby transferring some of their authority to your website.

Our client, a popular jewelry brand named Kanika, effectively used the services of a popular influencer to attract more followers and generate leads. 

Look at the traction these videos got:

Video 1:

In this video, they used CCTV footage showing the influencer trying to steal some jewelry from the showroom to grab people’s attention and promote the scheme of the store at the end, related to their exchange offer on old gold items at a good rate. 

Accounts Reached- 158,257 

  • Video Plays – 171,283
  • Likes – 7386
  • Comments – 54
  • Shares – 226
  • Saved – 350

Video 2:

In this reel, Rashmi, the influencer, dreams of a one-gram gold choker available at Kanika. Excited by that, she visits the showroom and explores their various jewelry options, giving a complete tour of the showroom via her reel.

Accounts Reached- 290,659

  • Video Plays – 304,705
  • Likes – 9849
  • Comments – 16
  • Shares – 2992
  • Saved – 2433
  • Promo code – rashu29

Take a look at how these videos got our client some inquiries on Instagram:

Image: Shows how the viewers responded to the viral reels posted by the influencer

Trends likely to be seen in influencer marketing in 2024:

  • Live shopping: Sellers display products, and buyers buy in real-time. This trend will continue in the coming year, for example, an influencer promoting a product through a live video.
  • Short humorous videos: Such videos are more popular and attract lots of views  
  • Authentic content: Post genuine content to build trust with customers

6. Providing an omnichannel experience

In 2024, businesses focusing on omnichannel marketing will find themselves at an advantage over their competition. Omnichannel marketing is about offering a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints, be it online, offline, or mobile. Such a tactic will enable your brand to offer a unified experience to your prospective customers.

The idea behind omnichannel marketing is to make it convenient for your audience to interact and engage with your brand. Some of the popular channels include Facebook, Instagram, email, chatbots, WhatsApp, YouTube, blogs, and podcasts.

We employ omnichannel marketing for one of our clients in the IT relocation sector by regularly posting promotional content on different social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, to reach the maximum possible target audience.

Tips for an effective omnichannel strategy:

  • Find details about your audience, like age, gender, income level, educational background, or geographic location. It will help you understand their interests and motivations and enable you to send personalized messaging.
  • If you are new to omnichannel marketing, focus on a few channels and touchpoints where your customers and prospects spend the most time.
  • Track the performance of your omnichannel strategy on the basis of metrics like conversion rate, social media engagement, or average order value.


By keeping up with the new trends and including them in your marketing plans, you can ensure that your digital marketing strategy remains relevant and effective, whatever the changes in the dynamic digital marketing world.

Being a leading content marketing agency in Hyderabad, Degefy can be your invaluable partner in this endeavor, helping you stay current with the latest trends and empowering you to stay ahead of the curve. Through meticulous research, our digital marketing professionals will help you optimize your campaigns to ensure your message reaches the right audience and resonates with them, driving success for your business.

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